Very familiar
word in every ones life regardless of an age groups. worry is a natural factor found in every human
beings, but the courageous step of conquering it is at our reach if we have a strong will of doing this.

Now i am going to share some steps of conquering worry:
Dr Alexis carrel,
famous philosopher and professor of well known university said, “those who do
not know how to fight worry, die young”
· If you ever stuck in worry, first and
prior step is ask your self, “what is the worst that can possibly happen?”
· Then prepare to accept it, you have to do this for lightning to your
worst thoughts.
· After that calmly start improving
that consequences.
1: Religion:
Strong faith on religion,
perform religious duties it gives us spiritual relaxation.
2: Sleep:
Try to sleep well this will help
you to refresh your mind and in this way you can be able to solve our problem.
3: Music:
This sound unlogical! But it is a
fact that music is instrument for peace of mind. But it should be good music
which sooth our mind.
4: Laughter:
We all know life without fun, joy and laughter
is like a garden without flower. Try to find out the funniest and beautiful
sides of life.
very nice